Wednesday, October 13, 2010


I know it will happen.  I know it is possible.  But right now, I am wondering how I can ever love another little grandchild as much as my first grandson, Henry.  Henry is two and a half, his little brother is due to arrive any time now, and I look at him realizing how much his little world will change, and very soon.  His parents, my daughter Katie and her husband Bill, have been so in-tune with Henry ever since he was born.  She parents with a gentle confidence and a firm consistency, and has been able, so far, to keep her attentions on Henry without overly-focusing on the new baby.  Yet, here she is, ready to welcome her new son to the world.  I can remember how I felt when it was time to welcome a new baby.  I wondered how I could possibly love the next one as much, and then we "met," and the love was there, in abundance.  I know the same will be true for my new grandson.  I know I will look at him with the same awe and wonder as I did Henry.  I'll feel the warmth of his compact weight in my arms.  I'll drink in his new-baby scent, and realize the connection from baby to mother to grandmother, and think of my parents and grandparents and all the O'Farrells and McGeehans before him who are all a part of the legacy my family brings to his life.  I know that the day he is born will be etched in my memory forever. 

My Buddy Henry

Last night I looked closely at Henry.  The lights were dim and shadows from the TV danced on the walls and on his beautiful face.  He was in his pajamas, snuggled in a chair under a quilt made by his Grandma Syd, intently watching his favorite Toy Story DVD.  He didn't move a muscle.  Even though he's seen the movie so many times, he was mesmerized by Buzz, Woody, and Rex as if it was all new to him.  I thought of how much Henry has grown since the day he was born, how big he will seem in comparison to his new baby brother.  I thought of how fortunate these two little boys are to have Katie and Bill as parents, who will provide them with so much love but also with wonderful relationships and experiences to create full and active lives for them.

Henry blew me a kiss as Katie escorted him off to bed, and I said, "I love you, little buddy."  I'll love his little brother too, and I can't wait to meet him.


  1. Isn't it funny, the things that we think about, wonder about, worry about? I had those same thoughts appears that they are universal. How will I, how will they, how will we....? But we do! The next baby comes along and we fall in love all over again. The heart continues to grow larger and welcomes these new little ones and expands even more as our current 'babies' grow and grow. It is remarkable and I am SO thankful for the abilities of this strange organ that connects emotion to mind and memory. You have wonderful times ahead of you Grandma...with each and every grandbaby, regardless of how old they are, what order they come in and how many you have. It's simply amazing...enjoy every second of it!

  2. Grandchildren make the world a little sweeter, the breeze a little cooler, and joy only the beginning. My mother told me"being a grandmother is the best thing in the world". I felt a bit of resentment as I felt being MY mother should be the best. I understand now. After 12 grandchildren one different and more unique than the last in ways so different and likes and dislikes that make them who they are. God they are ALL gifts to cheerish and love unconditionally forever.

  3. And to think I was just looking for someone to "like" my blog on decorating for the holidays!!! Who cares ? This is so much more important!! I literally have tears streaming down my face! My daughter is home for 4 days... just 4 days to enjoy her and to be with her and to shop with her, etc.... it hit me tonight as we ate at my son's house... it doesn't get much better than this!!! As my 16 year old son chased my 3 year old grandaughter around their house and making her laugh hysterically.... I realized that truthfully.... I don't want anything more than this!!! All I want is for my daughter Holly and her husband, Brad, to have children or atleast be happily married and enjoy life like Mitch and Britney (my oldest son and his wonderful wife) do, and that sweet Miller, our 16 year old son learn from us and from them and find his soul mate... but that most of all, we all just enjoy each other and realize how truly blessed we are!!!! And that we especially treasure and appreciate the moments and the people that God has blessed us with!!!! (forget the blogging!!!)

  4. Wow - I am grateful for such thoughtful, meaningful comments. Yes, being a grandmother is indeed a privilege, and no matter what the relationship -- mother, grandmother, aunt, godmother, friend -- the bond that forms between a child and a loving family member or friend is life-long and will stay with that child forever. I think we all remember the special women in our lives that way. I love your comments. Thank you.

  5. oh thats adorable I love these anecdotes about the newborn, please you should post more.

  6. I am a member of the Skidmore class that you will be speaking at later today (alright maybe in like twenty minutes...) and I just wanted to say that I have been following your blog and it's very exciting to read about your grandson and the baby that is expected. Can't wait to meet you!
