Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Easiest Home-Made Gravy and Thanksgiving Redux in March

Last night the need to have a really nice dinner came upon me, but I didn't want to spent a lot of time making it.  After work I stopped at Hannaford and picked up a rotisserie-roasted turkey breast, a good stuffing mix, some mashed potatoes, frozen peas, and a can of cranberry sauce. I bought a box of chicken stock to make gravy.  On the side of the College Inn chicken broth box, there's a recipe for easy gravy.  I have to tell you, this is really good gravy.  You simply melt two tablespoons of butter (lighter versions will do), stir in two tablespoons of flour, and whisk in 2 cups of chicken stock.  2-2-2.  To that, drippings from the turkey breast were added, and after that all bubbled for a bit another tablespoon of flour mixed with water (just to thicken it up a little more) was added through a strainer to avoid last-minute lumps.  No salt, no pepper, no spices were necessary.  This was beautiful, golden gravy in about five minutes. 

I made the stuffing, heated the mashed potatoes, and cooked the peas in the microwave.  The turkey was sliced and the whole dinner took about 10 minutes to prepare, start to finish, and it was as if I was serving a mini-Thanksgiving in March.  Henry loved all of it, even the cranberry sauce!  Who couldn't enjoy something that special and that simple every now and then?

Photo credit: http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https://ozbo.com/images/T/49775CL.JPG&imgrefurl=https://ozbo.com/College-Inn-Broth-Culinary-White-Wine-Herb-37049-ozbo.html&usg=__9YMaVee48rYMJeMTBw9hqTVCOQg=&h=960&w=487&sz=229&hl=en&start=2&sig2=rwpIbDNcgn15nvN2fTBIiA&itbs=1&tbnid=ljuUPiemzQbppM:&tbnh=148&tbnw=75&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dcollege%2Binn%2Bstock%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DG%26gbv%3D2%26tbs%3Disch:1&ei=ZjeNS67LNIuGMu6HnW4

1 comment:

  1. I do this for Nick and I-it's fantastic! Price Chopper actually had very good pre-made mashed potatoes too.
